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Стратегии и тактика подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку
10 Golden Rules for Successful C1-C2 Parts

1. Brainstorm! Spend 3-5 minutes pondering over the topic, eliciting ideas, plan – do not write! Research shows precedence in thinking over writing immediately increases the performance up to 80%.
2. Amount – less! Since the amount does not affect the K1 (Content) you should write less as every word may presumably result in a mistake (either spelling, lexical or grammar).
3. Originality - less! Do not be original; use simple structures and well-known words and phrases. Experience shows that originality increases the number of flaws.
4. TOEFL Samples! Use TOEFL Sample questions and answers to prepare for C2 Part. Most previous ЕГЭ C2 tasks duplicate TOEFL topics.
5. Handwriting! Your handwriting is important – it influences the overall impression! Make sure you write in a neat, legible, aesthetic way. Corrections should be made by crossing the word/s in a neat one-line way.
6. Layout & Linking! Discourse markers and paragraphing are crucially important to receive the highest point for K1 (Content) and K2 (Organisation and Cohesion) criteria.
7. Stick to Criteria! Produce and assess your writing piece according to the Experts’ Criteria (available in books by Е.С. Музланова - изд-во «АСТ Астрель», Е.Ф. Прохорова и др. - изд-во «Интеллект-Центр» и др.)
8. Ready-mades! Have learnt several samples for C1 and C2 – use the suitable expressions and structures in your own writing.
9. Modelling! Model exam-like procedural situations every 2-4 weeks to eliminate the psychological pressure and build confidence! (Real exam-like answer sheets, timing, rules).
10. Double-check! Before submitting the work proof-read the final draft for the amount of words, spelling, appropriateness of grammar and lexis.

Составлено Колесниковым Д.П., эксперт ЕГЭ по английскому языку


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