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Methods of exploring an article
Просмотров: 671, дата: 25.03.2014, автор: Гусман Гайнуллин
Today I’d like to talk about how to use newspaper website to promote reading, to build up belief in one’s English and to get Ss acquainted with reading newspapers (their websites)
Firstly choose a person interest story or a text about something which is interesting for your students (fashion, gadgets ,etc)
Below is a list of list of activities you can use to work with your students:
-           writing the questions they would like to ask people in the story
-           discussing the issue of the article (should be something contradictory)
-rewriting the story in the style of a “yellow press“
-writing an interview with the people in the story , separately or  together;
-           working on the vocabulary by asking students to give examples of some phrases (to define these words) from the article
-           working on the culture—for example, by asking the students explain what do some terms in English culture mean (ex: Celebrity influence, bullying, hoodies, etc )
-           staging a discussion/role-play on one of the problems form the story
What do you think are other methods of exploring an article?
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